Work from Home: Team Paradise Tips

We’ve always said that Paradise is a state of mind, babes….

And with so many of us working from home now, it’s important that we keep our own minds (and workspaces) as clear and as positive as we possibly can. That’s why we tapped our very own IOP team to share some pics of their work from home spaces, plus top tips for staying grounded & motivated throughout the day. Let’s dive in!

Apple Mac on desk - working from home

Top tip: get up as you would for your commute to work and use that time to get into a positive mindset- some exercise or fresh air if possible- coffee and a healthy breakfast. Also make sure to have positive check-ins with your colleagues and take mini breaks away from your screen- if I’m on a call that doesn’t require my screen, I like to take it in a different space.

– Rosie- Marketing Executive

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Apple Mac on table - working from home

I make sure to get up at my normal weekday time, shower & get dressed. I use the time I would normally commute to do a quick clean, as it helps me feel ready to go for the day. Podcasts are good motivation, I’ve been listening to “The Moments That Made Me” to get away from the news. Finally, I don’t have an office space at home so I make sure I pack everything up and reset my relaxation when I’m done. P.S. a furry friend can be great company.

– Heather- Digital Marketing Manager

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Apple Mac on desk at window - working from home

I try to make it as bright and cheery as possible with fresh flowers and candles. I do yoga every morning followed by a freezing cold shower & a strong coffee which makes me feel alive! I’m going to make sure to walk on my lunch and run after work to keep sane- lol

– Ruth- Marketing Communications Manager

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Apple Mac on table with two dogs - working from home

My 4 secrets to working at home are: fresh air, walks, favourite music & coffee.

– Taylor- Social Media Manager

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Photograph of Apple Mac on table - working from home

My tip for staying productive is to get up and get ready as if you are going into work. For example, today I got out my PJs, put makeup on and then made my coffee to get in the right mindset to seize the day.

– Fiona- Graphic Designer

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Photograph showing Laptop and Desktop Apple Macs - working from home

Try to get out in the morning for some exercise or fresh air. Then set your space up with your favourite candles or diffuser. Flowers help too!

– Aileen- Marketing Manager

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Read more about the Isle of Paradise team here!

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