Find Your Shade Step 1 of 4 25% Which describes your natural skin tone?(Required) LightLight skin tone MediumMedium skin tone Medium-DeepMedium-Deep skin tone DeepDeep skin tone Have you used Isle of Paradise before?(Required) BeginnerI ‘ve never used it before IntermediateI’ve used it a couple of times I’m a proI’ve used it many times What are you looking for in your self-tan?(Required) Deep long lastingLong lasting & hydrating CustomizableBuildable & customizable ClearNo colour guide for zero transfer Colour GuideTinted guide colour for easy application GradualNatural everyday glow At-home spray tanEasy at-home spray tan What's your desired level of glow?(Required) subtleJust a hint of glow mediumI want a natural glow deepI want a deep, dark glow Δ