Mental Health Awareness Week

Hey babes, it’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

Our Mental Health and that of our community is something we make a conscious effort to be mindful of every single day. Now more than ever, it’s so important to be kind & check in on your friends. We’re sharing tips from our Founder, Jules and our wider community all week long over on our Instagram, but we also wanted to recap some of our touchstones for good mental health and a posi mindframe in the current situation. Check them out below:

5 acts of kindness messaging

Give someone a compliment just because

Text it, tweet it, DM or pick up the phone. We all know how good it feels to receive a compliment, so spread that love around with those nearest, dearest. Even the smallest efforts can put a smile on someone’s face.

Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while

Seriously, this works. And even better if it can be a video call- anything that sparks and fuels the connection we’re all craving at the moment. Bonus- it will lift your mood too!

Find out if a neighbour needs any help with shopping

We really don’t know what kind of situations other people are in at the moment, so this is such a great time to be compassionate and help others who may be struggling! A little note through the door will help lift people’s spirits, and you never know- you might just make a new friend…

Help a friend who wants to get active

Share the workout videos you’re loving. If you’re able & it’s safe to do so, meet a friend for a nice long social-distancing walk. Keeping active releases endorphins and helps us all feel gooood.

Tell your family & friends how much you love & appreciate them

To be used in conjunction with any of the above. Now is the time to let those closest to us know how much they mean to us ❤️

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